Safely share secrets and env vars with your team using OpenSSL

November 20, 2022–2 min read

I hate sending secrets and environment variables to my team. Sometimes we use One time secret, and sometimes (gasp) we send them via Slack. No matter what, I still get slack questions about ERROR: 'STRIPE_KEY' is not defined months after it was added.

There's a lot of potential solutions here, but my favorite is to check your encrypted env file into git using a quick openssl command.


Generate a secure "team secret" file. This will be the key to encrypt and decrypt that everyone shares.

openssl rand 256 -out team-secret.key
openssl rand 256 -out team-secret.key

Share team-secret.key with everyone (bonus points if you can get it pre-loaded with your MDM). Add $TEAM_SECRET_KEY to everyone's terminal pointing to the absolute path to this file.

# ~/.zshrc | ~/.bashrc | ~/.bash_profile
export $TEAM_SECRET_KEY=/Users/oscar/work/team-secret.key
# ~/.zshrc | ~/.bashrc | ~/.bash_profile
export $TEAM_SECRET_KEY=/Users/oscar/work/team-secret.key

The scripts

Add the following scripts to your repo. Here’s a couple versions for a Makefile or package.json, but the concept should be portable.


	"env:encrypt": "openssl aes-256-cbc -in .env -out .env.enc -pass file:$TEAM_SECRET_KEY",
	"env:decrypt": "openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .env.enc -out .env -pass file:$TEAM_SECRET_KEY"
	"env:encrypt": "openssl aes-256-cbc -in .env -out .env.enc -pass file:$TEAM_SECRET_KEY",
	"env:decrypt": "openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .env.enc -out .env -pass file:$TEAM_SECRET_KEY"


	openssl aes-256-cbc -in .env -out .env.enc -pass file:$$TEAM_SECRET_KEY
	openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .env.enc -out .env -pass file:$$TEAM_SECRET_KEY
	openssl aes-256-cbc -in .env -out .env.enc -pass file:$$TEAM_SECRET_KEY
	openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .env.enc -out .env -pass file:$$TEAM_SECRET_KEY

Run npm run env:encrypt, check .env.enc into source control, and you're done (once you tell your team to pull the latest env file).